Student Committee (AStA - Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss)

What does the AStA actually do?

AStA stands for Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (General Students' Committee). We are the elected student representatives of the University of Lübeck and therefore your voice! We represent all students internally towards the university, as well as externally, e.g. towards the student services (Studentenwerk), the press or politics. We stand up for the interests of all students.

Negotiations for a cheap semester ticket, the Campus Open Air and discussions with the university's Executive Board, as well as representing the interests of students are just a few examples. In addition, we manage the finances of the student body and thus form the organizational and financial backbone for most student projects, committees and groups at the university.

The General Students' Committee is the executive body and the Student Parliament (StuPa) is the legislative organ of the student body. Every year, all students elect the StuPa, which in turn elects the AStA.

The AStA consists of the chair, the secretariat and various subcommittees:

You can also find more information at:

Compact Overview in UniVis

The subcommittees: