State-wide semester ticket

Deutschlandticket: The nationwide Deutschlandticket was introduced on 01.05.2023 for currently €49 per month. In the summer semester 2024, there will still be the state-wide semester ticket and the option to upgrade to a Deutschlandticket for the difference. You can find all information about this on our upgrade page.

Deutschland-Semesterticket: The Deutschland-Semesterticket will be introduced for the winter semester 2024/25 and is a Deutschlandticket at a reduced price based on the solidarity principle. You can find all information on our Deutschland-Semesterticket page.

Since the 2019/20 winter semester, all students at the University of Lübeck have a state-wide semester ticket that allows you to use public transport in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg free of charge. This ticket is valid for the entire semester (01.10.-31.03. or 01.04.-30.09.) and must be reordered each semester. This is possible after successfully processing the transfer of the semester fee (can be viewed in QIS).

There is a choice between a cell phone ticket and a paper ticket. When deciding on the type of ticket, please note that you cannot change the ticket during the semester.

  • Order

    Go to and follow the prompts in the order process. After entering your university, you will be redirected to a university page where you will be asked to consent to the transfer of some data to the sales service provider in order to order the ticket. To do this, you must log in with your student IDM account (as in Moodle), i.e., with your matriculation number and personal IDM password.

    It is not possible for doctoral students to use the employee account. If you have any questions, please contact

    You can then fill in the online form and choose between a mobile or paper ticket. A personal photo must be uploaded for the order; make sure that you select the correct photo.

    The application will then be checked, and the ticket sent to you:

    With the mobile ticket, you will receive a code to your university e-mail address with which you can load the ticket into the Nah.SH-App. The mobile ticket always updates itself towards the end of the month if the NAH.SH app is connected to the internet and then remains valid offline for one month.

    If you have opted for a paper ticket, it will be sent by post to the address provided.

  • Problems with your order?

    • Your eligibility for the ticket will be checked automatically when you order. To do this, the semester fee must be paid and correctly booked in the university system. Therefore, please first check under (login also with student IDM account) under Administration of study → view charges account, whether the amount to be paid for the semester is shown under “Existing credit (actual)”.
      Please note: After correctly listing your semester fee, it may take until the following day before you are authorized to order. This is due to the nightly synchronization of the university system with the database used for the order. If your semester fee is not or not correctly listed in the QIS despite having transferred it some time ago, please contact the Student Service Centre (
    • In the ordering process, you must log in with your student IDM account (as in Moodle), i.e., with your matriculation number and personal IDM password. It is also not possible for doctoral students to use the employee account. If you do not have a student account or do not know it, please contact
    • If you have problems logging in with your student IDM account (especially in Moodle and QIS), please contact the IT Service Center (
    • If you still have issues with the ticket order, please contact us at
  • Voluntary ticket purchase

    Students who are officially, but temporarily, staying at the UNI Lübeck as part of exchange programs, seminars, and courses without being enrolled can purchase the semester ticket voluntarily. If this applies to you, please contact the AStA; as you are not enrolled at the university and therefore do not have your own access to the IDM, you cannot order the ticket yourself. Guest students according to §44 HSG are exempt from this regulation.

  • Reimbursement

    In certain cases, it is possible to have the semester fee for the ticket refunded, find out more here.

  • Where is the ticket valid?

    With the semester ticket you can use all means of public transport in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg AB. This includes regional trains and suburban trains as well as all city and regional buses, the ferries to Priwall (opposite Travemünde) and the HVV ferries in Hamburg. The ticket does not include long-distance trains (EC, IC, ICE), the Kiel fjord ships and some bus routes on Sylt, nor does it cover journeys by private providers such as Flixbus.

    Your semester ticket is only a ticket for you; this means that others cannot travel with this ticket, nor are you allowed to take another person or a bicycle with you on the ticket. It only entitles you to travel in 2nd class. To use 1st class, you must purchase a separate ticket for the route!

    For journeys within the HVV area of Lower Saxony (e.g. Lüneburg, Tostedt or Buxtehude), you will need to buy an HVV ticket for the rest of the journey. All you have to do is check the HVV fare zone plan to see up to which stop on your journey the semester ticket is valid (for orientation: everything north of the Elbe, e.g. up to Lauenburg, as well as Hamburg AB). As a result, you will unfortunately also pay for the ring in which this last stop is located for the onward journey; however, this is still significantly cheaper than the ticket from Hamburg Hbf: For the route to Lüneburg via Lauenburg, for example, you only need the ticket from Lauenburg (3 rings), or from Hamburg to Tostedt it is only the ticket for 4 rings. You can buy the tickets online from the HVV or at any ticket machine in Hamburg.

    As your semester ticket goes as far as Hamburg, you can use the Niedersachsentarif for regional journeys to the rest of Lower Saxony and Bremen (or back), which includes one-way tickets as well as offers such as the Niedersachsen-Ticket (for up to five people). These tickets are automatically the normal local transport fare that you see in the DB Navigator or at the ticket machine, and although this is a fare network, all Bahncard discounts apply. Again, you do not have to pick up the ticket from Hamburg main station, but only from the stop at which you leave the area of validity of the semester ticket.

    Here is a list of the most important last valid train stops: to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern our ticket is valid to Lübeck St. Jürgen and Büchen; to Lower Saxony to Lauenburg, Ashausen, Klecken and Neu Wulmstdorf.

  • Lost ticket / new cell phone?

    This is fairly straightforward with the mobile ticket: if you change your cell phone and still have the old one, you can remove the ticket in the app and then add it to the new phone using the code you received when ordering. If you have lost your cell phone, you also have to add the ticket with the old code in the app on the new cell phone. An error message will then appear, which you can use to block the old ticket and then reload it.

    However, you must apply to the AStA for a new paper ticket, which is subject to a fee of €36 and can only be issued once per semester; both regulations are intended to prevent misuse and were demanded by the transport companies.

  • Forgot your ticket / cell phone battery empty?

    In these cases, you are officially traveling without a valid ticket and must first pay the fare evasion fee of €60. You can then have this refunded by showing the invoice and your semester ticket to the transport company - on most trains you have to go to the DB ticket counter, on buses in Lübeck to the Infopoint at the ZOB. However, there is a processing fee of €7.

  • When are you entitled to compensation for delays?

    If you arrive at your destination more than 60 minutes late on a journey with your semester ticket and the reason for the delay is due to rail traffic within the area of validity of our ticket (i.e. not if you arrive in Lübeck more than an hour late because you came from the south on a delayed IC train, for example), you are entitled to a flat-rate compensation of €1.50. Make a note of the entire connection you traveled on, including the scheduled and actual arrival and departure times. Furthermore, it is best to have the journey documented by a conductor or similar and keep your belongings.

    This is because from a reimbursement value of €4, i.e. from the third delay, you can submit this to the DB Passenger Rights Service Center. Furthermore, you are also entitled to use long-distance trains for the route if you are likely to arrive at your destination more than 20 minutes later than scheduled due to a cancellation or delay and you would therefore arrive at your destination earlier than with the next regional train. To do this, you must purchase a ticket in advance, the cost of which can be reimbursed after your journey. Please note, however, that this only applies if the cancellation or delay occurred within the area of validity of your semester ticket. The regulation for long-distance trains does not apply if the semester ticket has been upgraded to a DeutschlandticketPlease note, however, that this only applies if the cancellation or delay occurred within the area of validity of your semester ticket.





  • Is a Bahncard worthwhile?

    In the Schleswig-Holstein tariff you get a 25% discount on all tickets with a Bahncard 25 and 50. However, with the introduction of the Schleswig-Holstein semester ticket in winter semester 19/20, this will become irrelevant for you, as the routes are now covered. Nevertheless, if you want to travel further, the Bahncard will become interesting again:

    Since journeys that go beyond the NAH.SH and HVV fare zone normally take you through Lower Saxony or Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Bahncard discounts apply in full in the networks there as well as on other routes and on long-distance services (DB tariff), you will normally always receive a 25% or 50% discount with a Bahncard 25 and 50 and do not have to pay attention to any special features as in the Schleswig-Holstein tariff.

    Just bear in mind that on longer journeys on local transport in Lower Saxony, the Niedersachsenticket (€24/day for one person) can be cheaper than a non-discounted one-way ticket (e.g. to Hanover €37.20) and no discount applies. You also only get a 25% discount on economy fares on long-distance services with a Bahncard 50.

Price and contribution development since the introduction of the nationwide semester ticket in 2019:


semester statewide ticket regional ticket Total semester ticket contribution
  contributionfunding   price        price  
WiSe 19/20 124,00 €29,75 €153,75 € 55,20 € 179,20 €
SoSe 20 130,00 €23,51 €153,51 € 56,00 € 186,00 €
WiSe 20/21 136,00 €7,20 €143,20 € 56,00 € 192,00 €
SoSe 21 132,00 €11,20 €143,20 € 56,00 € 188,00 €
WiSe 21/22 70,00 €58,88 €128,88 € 57,40 € 127,40 €
SoSe 22 115,00 €21,65 €136,65 € 57,80 € 172,80 €
WiSe 22/23 130,00 €10,14 €140,14 € 48,50 € 178,50 €
SoSe 23 140,00 €7,09 €147,09 € 48,50 € 188,50 €
WiSe 23/24 142,00 €0,00 €142,00 € 52,20 € 194,20 €
SoSe 24 113,10 €0,00 €113,10 € 52,20 € 165,30 €



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