
In the summer semester 2024, there will still be the state-wide semester ticket and the option to upgrade to a Deutschlandticket for the difference.


Deutschland-Semesterticket: The Deutschland-Semesterticket will be introduced for the winter semester 2024/25 and is a Deutschlandticket at a reduced price based on the solidarity principle. This means that your semester fee already buys you a local transport ticket valid throughout Germany. The upgrade option is no longer necessary and no longer applies. The most important changes:

  • The area of validity of the semester ticket will be extended to cover the whole of Germany (more details on validity at nah.SH)
  • The paper ticket will no longer be offered, as only cell phone tickets and chip cards are permitted with the Deutschlandticket. We recommend the cell phone ticket. Chip cards can be requested from the AStA in the near future.
  • The possibility of taking a bicycle on the Priwall ferries free of charge is no longer available. A separate bicycle ticket must be purchased.

We are particularly pleased to be able to reach students from Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with the semester ticket. Further information will be added in the coming weeks.


Go to the order page of Nah.SH and follow the prompts in the order process. After entering your university, you will be redirected to a university page to agree to the transfer of some data for ordering the ticket. To do this, you must log in with your student IDM account (as in Moodle), i.e. with your matriculation number and personal IDM password. You can then continue the order process and at the end you will receive a confirmation message to your university e-mail address.

During the ordering process and in the confirmation from DB, there is sometimes talk of a purchase (“buy now” button) and a subscription. Please do not let this mislead you. It is the semester ticket that you have already paid for with your semester fee. It ends automatically at the end of the semester.

We strongly recommend using the cell phone ticket. It is less complicated and immediately available. Unlike usual, you cannot simply continue to use the ticket in the app when switching to the Deutschland Semesterticket. To ensure that you can use your previous cell phone ticket until the end of its validity period, you should only load your new semester ticket into the NAH.SH app at the start of the semester, because as soon as the new ticket is activated, the previous semester ticket can no longer be used.

When you order, your eligibility for the ticket is automatically checked. This is done by checking whether your semester fee has been paid and entered into the university system. If this is not the case, the order will fail. For this reason, please first check in QIS (login also with student IDM account) whether your semester fee for the summer semester has been entered correctly (under Student Administration -> Fee Account). The decisive factor for authorization is that the amount to be paid for the semester is shown under “Existing credit balance”. Please note: After correctly listing your semester fee, it may take until the following day for the order to work.

If your semester fee is not or not correctly listed in the QIS despite having transferred it some time ago, please contact the Student Service Center ( If you have problems logging in with your student IDM account (especially in Moodle and QIS), please contact the IT Service Center (

You can find more information about the semester ticket at, where there is a detailed FAQ under “Use”, as well as at There you will find, for example, detailed information on how to transfer the cell phone ticket to a new device. If you have any other questions, please contact

Ticket form

By decision of the federal and state governments, the Deutschlandticket – and thus also the Deutschland Semesterticket – is a digital ticket offered by Nah.SH as a cell phone ticket. Due to legal requirements, the Deutschland Semesterticket cannot be issued as a paper ticket. If the Nah.SH app does not work for you (e.g. on Huawei devices), you can also use the DB Navigator and store the ticket there. Advantage: Several tickets work at the same time here.

If it is not possible or not wanted to use a cell phone ticket, you can order a chip card via the AStA. The order can take several weeks and should therefore be placed at the beginning of the previous month. So order your card by 10.09.24 at the latest for punctual delivery at the start of the semester. For the chip card, please use the online form (english or german) or fill out the PDF form (only german) , sign it and send it by e-mail to


In the event of disability, early exmatriculation, semesters on leave and continuous stays of at least 15 weeks outside Germany for study purposes (e.g. internship, thesis, etc.), it is possible to have the fee for the semester ticket and university sports refunded. You can find all information on this at The application must be submitted by October 28.

The AStA secretariat is responsible for refund applications and can be contacted at If you have any further questions about refunds, please contact

If none of these reasons for reimbursement apply, students for whom the payment of the entire student body fee represents an unreasonable burden according to the circumstances of the individual case can submit a hardship application. Further information on the hardship application can be found at