Orientation week 2024

Dear Ersti,

We are happy to welcome you to the beautiful Hanseatic city! For many years now, the orientation week at our university has been an integral part of the start of your studies. Organized by students of higher semesters, the core group, it has become a tradition that important basics for your studies at the Lübeck campus are laid during this week. But what can you expect?

We would like to give you a good start into your studies, offer you orientation in your (possibly) new hometown and situation, give you an outlook on your studies and the perspectives that will open up for you, and introduce you to student life, the city and the campus. First and foremost, however, the orientation week is intended to help you get to know your fellow students - including those from other programs - and to start your studies with a lot of fun. We also have some valuable tips and tricks to help you get started.

For this purpose, numerous events will take place in the week (or days) before lectures begin - from official welcomes from the university and introductions to courses of study, to information and presentations of important subjects, to an entertaining leisure program, which should also be about things other than your studies. It is important to make contacts and to network, because during your studies you will have to exchange information with your fellow students all the time. The orientation week offers the best opportunity for this and is often the beginning of long friendships.

The orientation week 2024 takes place in the following period:

04-11 October 2024 for all first-year students.

You can find all information about the schedule of the week in the App (link will be published later) or in the Moodle course "Vorwoche 2024".

Do not hesitate to ask us any question via vorwoche@asta.uni-luebeck.de. Have fun!